Analog and Mixed Design
Examines how to rapidly generate a Massive MIMO ASIC from system concept through to layout.
Examines how to rapidly generate a Massive MIMO ASIC from system concept through to layout.
Investigates the applications of photonic-electronic architectures in mm-wave massive MIMO arrays, and demonstrate scalable photonic links to enable future systems.
Enables high-datarate, scalable, energy-efficient signal processing in multi-user MIMO systems.
Develops high-power and high-efficiency IC and packaging for basestation and picocell communication systems.
Develops low-noise and high-power amplifiers to extend link range.
Develops techniques for a wider range of mmWave time varying circuits, and to provide interference-tolerant front-end circuitry for eventual inclusion in the 140GHz testbed.
Demonstrates radio frequency signal processing building blocks using acoustic waves.
Develops sub-THz wafer-scale phased-arrays with minimum calibration overhead.
Demonstrates 10X increase in frequency, 10X increase in bandwidth, and 10X reduction in power for a mm-wave massive MIMO system.
Develops efficient, low-cost sub-THz CMOS transceivers.
Enables the next generation of millimeter-wave and terahertz wireless applications through novel device-circuit-system co-design techniques.
Integrated Circuits
Team Leaders
Elad Alon, Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California Berkeley
Teams: Analog and Mixed Design
Muhannad Bakir, Professor
3D ICs & Heterogeneous Integration
Georgia Institute of Technology
James Buckwalter, Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California Santa Barbara
Tim Fisher, Professor & Department Chair
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
University of California Los Angeles
Alyosha Molnar, Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cornell University
Teams: mm-wave Broadly-tunable Interference Tolerant Receivers
Borivoje Nikolic, Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California Berkeley
Teams: High-datarate Basebands
Gabriel Rebeiz, Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California San Diego
Teams: RF Front-end Arrays
Madhavan Swaminathan, Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology